Friday, June 20, 2008

Office Life

When Blythe was 3, she had already visited her Dad's office, and my office. She enjoyed walking around and generally getting a lot of attention from adults. I was surprised to learn that she had picked up some of the intricacies of office life.

Blythe was drinking juice on her way to daycare in her Dad's car. They arrived, and she had not yet finished it. Her Dad told her it was time to go into "school", and Blythe replied,"But I'm not done with my juice yet!" Her Dad assured her that he would take it into work with him, and put it in the break room refrigerator. With a furrowed brow, she reminded her Dad, "Make sure and put my name on it! I don't want anyone else to drink it."

Soon she'll be ready to huddle around the water cooler and talk about last night's reality show episode...