Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Months of the Year

I'm catching up on writing about all the funny/naughty things my daughter, Blythe, does & says, so for today's entry, I'll go back to when she was 4.

Blythe was learning about the months of the year and the days of the week at pre-school. The teachers taught the kids catchy songs that helped them remember. Granted, not as catchy as a "They Might Be Giants" melody, but catchy none the less. So, by this time, Blythe was really into inventing new ways that she could use the months of the year.

On one particularly trying evening, she was being stubborn and generally uncooperative. I had just given her "The Mom Speech- Volume 63" about how when a parent or teacher asks you to do something, you DO NOT respond with "No". She was headed up the staircase, and I asked her to take some toys back upstairs to her room. She looked through the banister and said in a near shout, (because she also knows from "The Mom Speech-Volume 34" that we don't yell in the house) "NO-vember!"

As I bit the inside of my cheek so I wouldn't crack a smile, I gave her my best Mommy Scowl, and made her come down and get the toys.

On a side note, I am feeling a little bad that the ads that Google is choosing for this site mostly have something to do with providing better discipline to your